Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Alan Ferguson, D.D.S., P.L.C.
1222 E. Missouri Avenue, Suite 201
Phoenix, AZ  85014
Office: (602) 242-5445

April 23, 2013

To All Current & Future Patients,
Dr. Ferguson and his team would like you to be aware of the news coverage involving the investigation of an Oklahoma oral surgeon and now a dentist in Tucson for poor infection control practices.  We are committed to an expert level of infection control practices and patient protection.  In our office we utilize the best possible protective equipment and sterilization techniques in order to ensure the safety of our patients and our dental team.  Please be assured that your safety and quality of care is our number one concern.  You can rest easy as you enter our practice.
Our steam autoclaves are tested weekly on site for accuracy and also sent weekly to a biological testing facility for spore testing, again ensuring that our instruments and equipment are sterilized effectively.  The water for our dental units is always distilled water and the lines are cleaned and maintained weekly: as well as sending water samples to a biological monitoring facility weekly.

Dr. Ferguson and his team of dental professionals are routinely attending continuing education for OSHA and infection control seminars in order to maintain the most up to date infection control protocols.  Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions in regards to this extremely important subject. We would love to speak with you.

Thank you,

Alan Ferguson, D.D.S., P.L.C.
Cindy, Valorie, Stephanie, Maria, Suzy, Shelly and Sheryl

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Press Release

For Immediate Release

Phoenix Dentist Using Salivary DNA Tests

to Fight Periodontal Infections

Phoenix, AZ – April, 17, 2013 –  Phoenix dentist, Dr. L. Alan Ferguson, whose practice is located at 1222 E. Missouri Avenue, #201, is administering two molecular tests that provide supplemental information about a patient’s periodontal disease. This information can be used to develop patient-specific treatment plans for periodontal disease therapy and to help establish the therapy endpoint.

The two salivary diagnostic tests, named MyPerioPath® and MyPerioID® PST®, are offered by OralDNA® Labs Inc., a subsidiary of Quest Diagnostics.

Specifically, the MyPerioPath test provides semi-quantitative levels of 11 different species of bacteria known to trigger periodontal disease. In addition to identifying the bacterial pathogens, the test provides a bacterial-related risk of disease progression and suggestions for suitable antibiotic therapy. The MyPerioID PST test detects genetic changes (DNA polymorphisms) that have been associated with increased incidence and/or progression of chronic periodontal disease in some studies.

According to Dr. Ferguson, “We are very pleased to be one of the first dental practices in the area to utilize the MyPerioPath and MyPerioID PST salivary diagnostic tests, enhancing our ability to provide the best possible care.”

Periodontal disease is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the gum tissue and other structures supporting the teeth. If left untreated, it can lead to tooth loss. Besides helping with tooth retention, successful periodontal treatment can help patients with diabetes to better control their disease.1,2 About 50% of Americans have gingival bleeding, the more common but less severe form of periodontal disease.3 Prevalence of more severe disease is more difficult to ascertain.

Several research studies have associated gum disease with other chronic inflammatory

diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and rheumatoid arthritis.4,5

For more information regarding the MyPerioPath® and MyPerioID® PST® salivary diagnostic tests, or to schedule an appointment, call Dr. Ferguson at (602) 242-5445 or visit http://www.drfergusonaz.com.

About OralDNA Labs Inc. (www.OralDNA.com)

OralDNA Labs Inc., a subsidiary of Quest Diagnostics Incorporated (NYSE: DGX)is a specialty diagnostics company created to advance clinical testing in the dental community. The company’s goal is to help the dental profession achieve better clinical outcomes by providing reliable, definitive, and cost-effective clinical tests that drive the detection and prognosis of disease at an earlier, more treatable stage.


1.      Swedish (Sweden) Koromantzos PA, Makrilakis K, Dereka X, et al. A randomized, controlled trial on the effect of non-surgical periodontal therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes. Part I: effect on periodontal status and glycaemic control. J Clin Periodontol. 2011;38:142-147.  

2.      Simpson TC, Needleman I, Wild SH, et al. Treatment of periodontal disease for glycaemic control in people with diabetes (Review). Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2010;(5):CD004714.

3.      Albandar JM, Kingman A. Gingival recession, gingival bleeding, and dental calculus in adults 30 years of age and older in the United States, 1988-1994. J Periodontol. 1999;70:30-43.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Services Provided


X-rays allow us to see in between the teeth and under existing fillings to help us detect tooth decay. X-rays can also help us check the health of the bone supporting the teeth.

Diagnostic Impressions

Diagnostic impressions are taken to ensure the fit of any crown, bridge, or denture. The exact shape of your teeth and gums is molded in a flexible vinyl mixture that sets quickly. The vinyl mold is then used to create a replica of your mouth with plaster or plastic.

Comprehensive Oral Exams

The first step in any dental care plan is to determine your existing health conditions. If you are a first-time patient, we will perform a comprehensive examination; including recording of your medical history, taking full x-rays, screening for oral cancer, examining periodontal (gum) condition, checking each tooth for cavities, and examining your jaw and bite.

Periodic Oral Exams

As an established patient with a preventive dental care plan, you will come to the office on a regular recall schedule for a cleaning and check-up. Periodic exams are important for maintaining your healthy smile.

Consultation and Treatment Planning

Oral health is a lifelong concern. We will help you understand any conditions that need treatment and devise a plan for correcting them. We will also discuss the options for any cosmetic treatments you may be interested in. Furthermore, we will outline a regular course of preventive care.

Cracked Tooth Syndrome

Cracked tooth syndrome, as the name suggests, is the development of cracks and fissures in teeth over time. These cracks may be invisible to the naked eye but extend deep into the tooth. We examine your teeth for cracks so that we can take preventive action before the tooth suffers severe damage.

Gum Disease Diagnosis

Gum disease is much more common than people think. We will examine your gums for disease and make recommendations based on your specific dental healthcare needs. Regular, careful brushing and flossing are essential to gum health.

Oral Cancer Screening

Currently oral cancer is on the rise in a much younger population; all individuals are at risk for developing oral cancer.  What used to be related to smoking and chewing tobacco is now being linked to very common viruses, making oral cancer a much greater concern for a larger population.  We pride ourselves that each and every patient seen in our practice is given a visual oral cancer screening and we have additional technology called the Velscope® which allows us to catch even the earliest of lesions.

Friday, April 5, 2013

L. Alan Ferguson, D.D.S., P.C.

Alan Ferguson, D.D.S., P.C.

Chief Dentist

Dr. Ferguson is originally from Omaha, Nebraska. In 1975, Alan earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Zoology from Iowa State University and in 1979 graduated from the Virginia Commonwealth University Dental School.
Dr. Ferguson was in private practice in Richmond, Virginia before moving to Arizona to practice in 1994. Dr. Ferguson has taken many hundreds of hours of continuing education with an emphasis on restorative and functional cosmetic dentistry. Dr. Ferguson is a member of the American Dental Association, Arizona Dental Association and Central Arizona Dental Society as well as the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine and the Sleep Apnea Dental Institute. Dr. Ferguson is also a member of one of Arizona’s finest implant study clubs.
One thing you will notice about Dr. Ferguson is that he likes to have the practice resemble a home atmosphere, so every patient is treated like part of our dental family.