Sunday, January 12, 2014

Should You Share Your Toothbrush with your Partner/Spouse?

Just because you kiss your partner/spouse, sleep with them or occasionally taste food off their fork, these are not reasonable justifications for using their toothbrush.

Brushing your teeth sometimes causes the gums to bleed, which exposes everyone you share your toothbrush with to blood stream diseases. Therefore, by sharing a toothbrush, the couples are actually sharing blood, which is a lot more risky than just sharing saliva. 

By using their toothbrush, you automatically introduce millions of their oral bacteria into your mouth and likewise leaving undesirable bacteria on the brush for them.  Dental decay is caused by bacteria called streptococcus mutans and is contagious.

Other diseases a person risks contracting when he or she shares a toothbrush with another are cold sores, herpes, fungus and periodontal disease.

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