Wednesday, March 26, 2014

VELscope in Oral Cancer Screening

VELscope in Oral Cancer Screening
Phoenix Dentist, Dr. Alan Ferguson uses the newest technology in screening for oral cancer, VELscope.  VELscope, a handheld device used by emits a harmless, bright blue light which is used to inspect the mouth and tongue. The device is extremely sensitive to abnormal tissue changes and the distinctive blue-spectrum light causes the soft tissues of the mouth to naturally fluoresce. Healthy tissues fluoresce in distinct patterns that are visibly disrupted by trauma or disease, such as neoplastic lesions, and fungal, viral or bacterial infections.
Dr. Ferguson uses the VELscope device to supplement his regular comprehensive oral exam (intra and extra oral head and neck exam) to help identify potential cancerous or pre-cancerous tissues that cannot be identified with the naked eye.
When discovered early the 5-year survival rate for oral cancer patients is about 83%. Unfortunately, most cases of oral cancer are discovered in late stages, when the five-year survival rate drops to around 50 percent.  These statistics prove the importance of utilizing the VELscope technology and identifying oral cancer in its early stages.

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